Reconnect With Your Spiritual Self
Sometimes life takes a few dips and turns and we feel like we’ve lost our connection that we once had to our spiritual selves. This...

Meditation Support With Reiki
If it’s hard to meditate because your mind likes to think, analyze, and plan, then this is for you… Think of meditation as just getting...

Guilt Is A Wasted Emotion!
Do you feel guilt about being better off and living on a higher level than others you love? It’s easy to feel some level of survivor's...

Heal Your Past- Heal Your Relationships
Do you feel unsatisfied with your relationship, and like your partner just isn’t on the same page? Yes? So, where do you start? Heal your...

Forgive Worry Programming | Rewrite Your Story | Feel Happy | Reprogram Your Thoughts
Forgive Worry Programming Do you worry and stress over other peoples’ well being? Is this so they know you care and love them?🤔 We are...

Heal That Pain In Your Neck...Holistically! Part 2
Last week, in Part 1 of “Heal That Pain In Your Neck...Holistically!”, I talked about that chronic neck pain or recurring stiffness in...

Your Mind-Body Connection And It’s Warning Signals
Understand your body’s warning signals, before dis-ease sets in! Have you ever noticed the patterns and synchronization between your...

Ground Yourself?
Do you ever experience feelings of being overwhelmed, overthinking, or trouble sleeping. These are common symptoms of needing to be...

Meditation Vs Prayer
Mediation has become an important part of my life. The phases we go through have a cycle and there are periods of time when meditation...

What Exactly is Reiki?
What exactly is Reiki? I’ve been asked this question countless times. Reiki is a Japanese tradition of energy healing which is used to...