Get in touch with your body's inner guidance as you release stress and negative energy from your body and mind through guided movement, stretching, and visualization. This class will help you...
Learn to listen to your body's healing signals
Get in tune with your body’s needs and desires
Tap into a sense of connection and self love
Release stress and anxiety
Experience the power and healing of the transpersonal connection that happens when coming together in a group for a similar cause
***Bring a water bottle and wear clothes you can breath and move in***

Hi, I am Charissa Colacioppo, your class instructor. I am a holistic Reiki Master Healer, hypnotherapist, massage therapist and intuitive life coach who guides you to discover the connections between your mind, body, and soul so you can awaken your intuitive power, and know what you need for your healing!
This is your divine birthright, to shed the beliefs and expectations of others and awaken to your CORE self so you can show up authentically in all of your relationships, and in the world, while creating your life into a life you love!
Working in a group is a powerful experience because we can all tap into that transpersonal connection for healing. When we come together like this, the power we generate towards a common goal can be intense and magical as all of our energy and focus combines with Source for this purpose!
So, please join me, and other like-minded people, as you practice honing your intuition and connection to Source power!
After you book your spot in class, you will be linked to join my Free Facebook Group called, Holistic Touch Community. This will allow you to stay connected to classmates in between sessions!
Can't wait to create power and magic together!