Learn To Reprogram & Recalibrate

I’ve been obsessed lately with the idea of the human brain being like a computer. We really are just programmed to think and act a certain way. This means that we can reprogram to think and act the way we choose when we choose.
How do you reprogram?
Through repetition.
If you have been thinking and acting a certain way for a very long time, then those pathways have been carved out in your mind very prominently, so it will obviously take time and repetition to reroute a new pathway that is even more prominent.
While doing the work to reroute and rewire the brain, I can start to feel the old prominent pathways becoming less prominent, and gradually start to fade away.
There are so many ways to rewire your brain. Hypnosis is an amazing way to reprogram and recalibrate to who and how you want to be.
All hypnosis is self hypnosis. That means that you will only go as deep as you allow if somebody else is facilitating Hypnosis to you. You can practice hypnosis on yourself. Practice for very small amounts of time throughout the day. This helps you recalibrate often and remember how you really are and who you really are.
It is great to get a huge dose of recalibration with a one on one hypnosis session or you can come to my monthly group hypnosis sessions to try it out. Then you practice at home with as many spurts of self hypnosis as you can get yourself to add to your day in between those huge recalibration sessions with me.
It is more effective to practice meditation/self hypnosis for 1 minute 5 times a day, then 30 min once a week or month. The reason why is because the repetition is necessary to effectively rewire and get the recalibration to stick.
Come to me to learn and I’ll help you take giant leaps, then you must practice, practice, practice.
You are worth the commitment, it’s really not as much a time commitment as an attention commitment.
Commit to focus on your wellbeing in whatever way feels most interesting right now for as long as is needed because what else really matters?!
🙌I am a Reiki master healer, certified hypnotherapist, NLP life coach, body worker and Holistic Lifestyle Expert and I am in love with holistic wellbeing.
I can help you learn to rewire and recalibrate to your core energy so you can show up in life the way you truly are meant to.
(Side note: I am now selling prints of my original paintings and making custom reiki infused healing crystal jewelry for you and for thoughtful gifts to give to your loved ones.)
You can book/ ask me questions by calling/texting me. By the way, I do work hours that are not available online…
Happy Healing & Transformation,