Desk Job Body Balance
Desk Job Body Balance You want to maintain balance for your mind and body, but you work a desk job with long hours. Ideally, you would...
Spinal Fluidity
Moving my body and spine freely helps me feel a sense of freedom, strength, capableness, self-respect, self love and admiration, and a...
Low Back & Hip Health- Holistic Style
I get asked all the time about how to help low back issues. So, here we go… In my YouTube video I show you some hip openers and back...
Healing Neck Pain Part III
Returning for more tips on relieving your neck pain. The first video was about pinpointing those emotional/mental issues connected to...
Part II : Healing Neck Pain At Home
This ones all in the video...Learn healing tips for relieving neck tension and pain while at home, but don't forget to also watch the...
Come Back To Your Body
I met a 82-year-old man a few days ago, who looked in relatively amazing shape and told me stories about how he and his 96 year old wife...
Release The Issue In The Tissue- Somatically
Sometimes we need to release energy from the body that is not our own. How do you know if it’s not your own? I know, because I feel a...
Release The Issue In The Tissue
How do I get more in tune with my body so that I can release the issue that gets stuck in the tissue? Your mind, body and soul are all...