Starting Your Day With A Mindful Twist
It's a fresh new day, with possibilities and opportunities ahead. But before you dive headfirst into your busy daily life, have you ever

Never Give Up On Yourself
Never give up on yourself, no matter what!
You are worth… the time and the effort it takes to heal… the time and effort it takes to convi

Uplevel Your Energy & Lock It In
What is the best way to uplevel your energy and lock in your new way of being?
Whether you want to be better in how you feel, how you think

Feeling Guided By Tigers
I want to share with you a dream I had recently, which I know to be very significant. If you know me, then you probably know that tigers are

3 Ways That Keep You Grounded
Hello, as a holistic lifestyle mentor, I am often asked about how I take care of myself. I want to share with you three ways that I get...

Where Is Your Neck Pain Coming From?
Your neck pain is coming from a combination of muscle imbalances, repetitive motions and worrisome thought patterns. Guess which one is...

Reconnect With Your Spiritual Self
Sometimes life takes a few dips and turns and we feel like we’ve lost our connection that we once had to our spiritual selves. This...

Release The Issue In The Tissue- Somatically
Sometimes we need to release energy from the body that is not our own. How do you know if it’s not your own? I know, because I feel a...

Release The Issue In The Tissue
How do I get more in tune with my body so that I can release the issue that gets stuck in the tissue? Your mind, body and soul are all...

Staying Grounded During Change
It can be a challenge to stay grounded, calm, and centered when your life is filled with uncertainty. Currently, I don’t have a kitchen...