Your Health Is Your Messenger
Do you ever get tired for no apparent reason or sick out of nowhere?
I swear, our bodies are amazing barometers for making balance when you’re not listening.
Recently my body gave me a reality check. I’m normally a very high energy, driven person, and I never watch TV.
So I’m go-go going like this like normal, taking clients, writing content, organizing… And then all of a sudden I just started getting really tired.
I was thinking what is wrong with me?! All I want to do is lay on the couch, LOL.
This is not me, and a part of me didn’t want to lay on the couch. She wanted to keep working, and creating and doing as much as she could possibly do with her time… But this other part of me, now, just wanted to lay on the couch.
So I gave into her, at least partly, but there was this guilt lingering as I did this.
Now it’s the next morning, and I wake up still tired. It felt so weird and then I thought to myself I must have a fever.
Sure enough, I did! I never get sick, as of lately, so this thing just hit me out of nowhere.
I paused here, knowing how I can easily go into guilt for not doing work today, and felt into my body, I felt into what she wanted.
I closed my eyes, took a deep breath in, and really listened and watched for what my body wanted in this moment right now, not what she needs to do, but what she wants to do.
In doing this, I realized all I wanted to do was take care of myself. I wanted a cup of tea, I wanted to make a facial, I wanted to go in my sauna, and I wanted to just relax, breathe and be without the guilt for once.
As soon as I decided to seriously do this and picked up the pot to put the water in for tea, all of a sudden I felt an energy fall off of me and I felt better. It was like I wasn’t hardly sick anymore, or I was at least definitely healing rapidly.
The next thing I did was I walked into my kids room and looked around. I noticed the peace, calm and the gratitude for the clean floor within me. Now this is funny because the day before when I walked in here, and it looked exactly the same, what I noticed most was the messy spots on the desk and the unmade beds. Now I find myself consumed by loving the clean floor.
My attitude and my perspective completely shifted in an instant and so did my health.
Within five hours from that point I was 100% over whatever was making me so tired and giving me a fever and was dancing in the kitchen while texting a friend.
Our bodies are amazing barometers for our health, happiness, and balance.
When you listen to your body and take care of your body it takes care of you.
We are given this amazing tool which warns us to do something before the imbalance becomes a serious disease, deep depression, chronic debt, pain, or apathy.
My tip for you here is to take a moment right now and stop whatever you are doing. Now, check in with yourself and ask, “what is my whim?”
What do I want to do right now?
What do I feel like doing, not what do I need, should, or supposed to…
See what comes up, and practice this every single day.
As you practice listening to your body and your desires, you are essentially practicing listening to your own intuition.
Awaken to the intuitive part of yourself that understands your body's language in connection to your mental and emotional health so that you can know what you need for your healing, balance, and increased happiness.
I can help you attune yourself to the energetic, alive, free, and real you that you are meant to be.
If you want to dive deep into your happiness, self-healing, and self-awareness, then my 1:1 Mind, Body, Soul program is for you.
With my intuitive guidance, subconscious work, and Reiki energy healing, you will find your balance and peace, and simultaneously drop the old negative energy patterns that you no longer want in your life so you can be happier, healthier, and freer than you ever before felt.
Book a “no strings” 20-minute discovery call on my website to get started.